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Date : 1998-06-01
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Keeping Hamsters as Pets Caring for Hamsters ~ Hamsters are popular pets for children and adults alike They are small rodents that typically live about two years and are usually best if housed alone Hamsters come in a variety of colors and breeds and different breeds are known for distinctive traits
Different Types of Hamsters for Pets ~ Syrian hamsters are the most common type kept as pets These should be kept one to a cage they will fight if kept together These should be kept one to a cage they will fight if kept together They can be quite tame and easy to handle
Is a hamster the right pet for you The Humane Society ~ Children and hamsters Because of their small size hamsters are often purchased as pets for children who want to play with them during the day However just when its time for your child to go to sleep its time for a hamster to wake up A hamster awakened suddenly from a nap during the day may bite
Hamsters as Pets the Pros and Cons ~ Properly supervised by an adult hamsters can make suitable pets for hamsters After all virtually all pet shops stock them so finding a suitable hamster shouldn’t present any real problems There are also a massive assortment of colours available so kids will be able to pick out a colour that suits them best
Small Pets for Sale Hamsters Gerbils Mice More PetSmart ~ Small Animal Pets Choose from variety of small pets for sale From hamsters gerbils mice and more well help you find the perfect little friend to welcome into your home
9 Facts You Need to Know Before Considering a ‘Pet’ Hamster ~ A friend once told me about her childhood “pet” Pumpkin When she saw Pumpkin in a pet store she fell in love and bought him But she soon realized that she wasn’t equipped to give the hamster what he needed to thrive The store had sold her pine shavings for bedding
25 Fun Facts About Hamsters Petco Pet Supplies Pet ~ The Syrian hamster is the most popular pet hamster Often referred to as teddy bear short hair or fancy hamsters they are known to be very docile and enjoy being held The first hamsters came from Syria but they have lived all over the world in places like Greece Belgium and northern China
Hamster Care 101 How to Care For Your Hamster PetMD ~ Dwarf hamsters Russian or Chinese are also popular hamsters and while they can be territorial they do well in pairs only if they are littermates or a mother and child Cribbs said A cage purchase a cage at least 15 inches long by 12 inches high but opt for something larger if you can to give your hamster more room to exercise and explore
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